JOE BRAVO, AMERICAN THEOREM, WINNER: “I love when a plan comes together. We really had high hopes for this horse, he had a couple of hiccups along the way, and (George) cut him back in distance. Look at him around the turn, it seemed like at any time he could jump on those horses and he did. There were some nice horses in that race, and I give all the credit to George having patience with him bringing him around the right way, it’s all in the details that got him to the Winner’s Circle today.
“We don’t like fights, I like it when they give it to us, but I give credit to (Principe Carlo) because he is a great horse. Really laid it down turning for home. That’s what horse racing is about it’s a war, you don’t know who’s going to get it until the last final jump.”
GEORGE PAPAPRODROMOU, AMERICAN THEOREM, WINNER: “Our plan was to just sit right off of them and make one little run and it worked out perfect, like we planned it.”
WOULD YOU HAVE SETTLED FOR A DEAD HEAT? “No. We’ve been trying him long and he’s been involved with fast paces and it didn’t work out. I think he’s a great horse and like I’ve said, I love this horse. Congrats to my owners, Kretz Racing, they’re the best owners ever. Hopefully, we’ll move forward from this.”
NOTES: The winning owner is Kretz Racing, LLC.