GET TICKETS - Admission + Reserved Seats Available
Autumn Racing: Friday, Oct. 1 - Sunday, Oct. 31 // Friday - SundayGet tickets for Santa Anita Park! Admission is $10 (includes General Parking & Program). Reserved seats are $20 (includes Admission, General Pakring, and a Program).
There's plenty of parking at Santa Anita, but you can also go Metro! Take the Gold Line and get off at the Arcadia Station and then take the Green Line to Huntington. During the autumn meet, Uber is the official ride to Santa Anita Park. Guests may receive 25% off their rides to/from the races (up to $15 value for each trip) by using promo code: 2018SantaAnita. This code may be used by both new and existing Uber customers. This code is valid 9/28/18 – 11/4/18.
Información en Español
Para mas informacion acerca de entradas, estacionamiento, reservaciones del restaurante, direcciones y las selecciones del profesional George O, solo tiene que ir a Santa Anita Hoy.
Santa Anita Hoy
Breakfast at Clockers' Corner
Located at the Top of the Stretch, Clockers' Corner patio creates a social-like atmosphere and the perfect place to watch the horses workout in the mornings while enjoying a hot breakfast at the Foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains.
Breakfast at Clockers' Corner
Farriers Package
The Santa Anita Park experience in one package! Enjoy a day in your own personal box and see all that Santa Anita has to offer. Don’t fight for a seat. Let Farriers cover everything you need for race day.
Farriers Package
The Sports Lounge
Experience all the racing and sports action at The Great Race Place!
Spend your weekends at the Sports Lounge located at the East End of Sirona’s Bar and enjoy a day from just outside the famed Seabiscuit Walking Ring. With several high-def monitors to watch your favorite local sports teams & racing, as well as all-day drink specials, the Sports Lounge is the perfect place to spend a Saturday or Sunday.
The Sports Lounge