TYLER BAZE, RESTRAINEDVENGENCE, WINNER: “He always tries. We kind of figured out a couple of things with him a couple of races ago, and he was real primed to run a huge race today. I won on him before in New Mexico and I had the chance to get back on him this year, he’s done nothing but try hard and just been a great horse for Val. It’s just been a pleasure to ride him.

“On Father’s Day it’s just special for both of us. It’s been a long meet, I think this is only the second stakes win I’ve had so, it was just real special to get his first graded stakes win for him and be a part of it.”


          VAL BRINKERHOFF, RESTRAINEDVENGENCE, WINNER: “First of all I’m most thankful to have Tyler stick with the horse because I haven’t been able to get anyone to stick with my horse. He likes him and he’s come to know him. To win a graded stakes at Santa Anita for me is just the best thing that has ever happened for a long time.

“When we first got him and broke him, I mean he’s been a handful, but you love him because he’s so good. He’s just hard to deal with, when he wants to do something, I just give up and let him do it and then we go back and start over. I think his attitude has made him be a champion because he wants to do, what he wants to do and he loves to run.”


            NOTES: The winning owners are Kelly Brinkerhoff and Bob Grayson, Jr.